
Want to volunteer with animals in Asia? Well here are a few examples of organisations that accept volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to gain experience working with animals at the same time as assisting animals in need. Needless to say, it is helpful to have studied a relevant subject as this will help you to provide a high standard of care to animals and wildlife whilst volunteering.Our courses are studied by many people whilst they volunteer with animals.
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Animal Volunteer Work Asia

Below are just some of the animal volunteer work opportunities working with animals worldwide that are offered in the Animal Courses Direct ebook.

For hundreds more opportunities in many Animal Welfare Organisations worldwide, please refer to the Volunteering with Animals Ebook available to purchase via this website or Amazon.

Our accredited and recognised courses and Ofqual regulated Qualifications enhance employment prospects and are also suitable for volunteers wanting to gain a relevant animal care qualification.

  • The Tree of Life for Animals, India

    Has several aims: to create a rabies free environment, to create an environment where stray animals can be free of suffering, to assist rural people with veterinary help and to provide a mobile veterinary unit for use in remote areas. They are on the lookout for volunteers and veterinary partners.

  • The Okinawan-American Animal Rescue Society, Japan

    Works to rescue, care for, neuter and re-home animals. Voluntary help required.

  • Care for Dogs, Thailand

    Works to decrease the numbers of temple and street dogs. They achieve this through neutering programmes and education as well as by rescuing and offering medical assistance to street dogs in need. Assistance required by volunteers.

  • The Welfare of Stray Dogs (WSD) India

    Is a Mumbai-based organisation working to eradicate rabies and control the street dog population in a humane, scientific way. Since 1989 they have been carrying out a mass sterilisation programme for stray dogs, volunteers are crucial to their worthwhile work.

  • Animal Asia Foundation (AAF)

    Is devoted to the needs of wild, domesticated and endangered species throughout the Asian continent. The AAF works to better the lives of all animals in Asia as well as to end cruelty & restore respect for animals in Asia.

  • Noistar Thai Animal Rescue Foundation

    The Foundation takes it’s name from two dogs – Noi & Star rescued from the island of Koh Tao, Thailand. On this island there is no RSPCA, no PDSA, no animal’s shelters, no sanctuaries, no medical care of any kind for the animal population. Ravaged by mange, hungry and often abused, many of them don’t survive. With your help we can change this. Volunteers required.

  • Primate Trust India

    Provides long term care to orphaned, abused and injured primates. This work is essential due to the loss of natural habitat, human conflict causing an increasing number of injured and orphaned monkeys. Other monkeys are rescued from being illegally kept as pets often in appalling conditions.

Borneo monkeys sit in tree

More Information about Volunteering in Asia

From Thailand to Japan to India the volunteering opportunities in Asia are amazing. Working in sun bear sanctuary, or a domestic animal charity, trap neuter and return project for stray animals. The Primate Trust in India rescues and rehabilitates primates and there are various progammes set up to work with rescued and orphaned elephants. China has some massive animal welfare problems, and among the rescue centres set up by charities and welfare organisations are bear sanctuaries and dog and cat welfare centres. Working for an Asian charity will broaden your knowledge of some of the worldwide animal welfare crises as well as giving you some amazing practical experiences which will increase your chances of finding a job working with animals.

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